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Otherwise, carry on for Parkanaur and the white fallow deer :)
This one has been on the list a LONG time.
Parkanaur is a ‘large, rambling, romantic Tudor Revival house’, set in a beautiful woodland area in Northern Ireland’s County Tyrone.
Originally built as a small cottage over 200 years ago, the ‘rambling’ description hints to how the property has grown over the years into a majestic manor house.
(Note: Lead image yoinked from Parkanaur’s website 👍)
From pretty much any direction, set your sights on getting to Dungannon.
Travelling from Belfast, head down the Westlink for about 35 minutes. From the north/northwest of Northern Ireland, head via Cookstown or Omagh. From Dublin, head north towards Newry, then across via Armagh.
Once you’re near Dungannon, you’ll see the brown signs for Parkanaur from there - they will bring you straight to the Gate Lodge.
* #BrownSignsGoodTimes
(Keep your eyes peeled - the last directional sign can by hidden by the overhanging trees….)
Once you’re in the Estate/Forest car park you’ll see the sign for the walking paths...
Simply head up the hill to get to the Manor - you’’ll spot the old stone peaking out above the trees.
(Just before and after we were there, the rain was pouring down - which is why the above looks very moody and…well… like a creepy old house from a horror movie.)
But when the skies aren’t so grey…
Image source: Gareth Wray Photography (Flickr)
Today, Parkanaur operates as a very picturesque wedding venue, and during the week a specialist Further Education college.
AND, something else quite rare, which is how the estate first came onto our radar.
In the middle of the sprawling woodland (open to the public and SO worth a visit for the walk alone)…
…lives a very rare heard of white fallow deer; only one of two places in Ireland you’ll find them.
And YES, you can walk RIGHT into where they roam.
*You’ll get flashbacks of a scene from Jurassic Park as you go through this gate* :)
As with most wild animals, deer especially, they prefer humans not to come too close.
Considering the size of the antlers on some of them, we’re happy sticking to those rules.
This was one of those times when we came away considering investing in a proper camera, rather than relying on our iPhones. So if you’ve a big lens, bring it…you’re in for a treat.
(Some pics grabbed from Google/Instagram at random)

Also, check out these awesome pics that we’ve since shared on social media. Rumours still to be confirmed that it wasn’t a Harry Potter Patronus charm.
Photographer: Stephanie Wiggins
And while we sat silently watching, hoping the deer would come closer, a massive bird-of-prey landed right in front of us. A very fuzzy pic is all we came away with, trying to remain dead still and bend our line of sight around the tree in front.
Check out this drone vid of the estate…
We’ll be back again for a full exploration of the walking trails and (hopefully) inside the manor. Info/pics/vids will be added to this article.
If you’ve any Parkanaur pics/vids of your own you’d like to share, send to and we’ll link here.
(select-copy-paste link)